Little Sand Lake Rapid Response Plan – view this document to read about what to do to keep our lake healthy.LSLAA Stewardship Action Planning Guide May 2015
AIS Citizen Watch Volunteers Protocols for AIS Lake Monitoring – “Eyes on the Water” program encourages all lakeshore owners to be our lake’s “Eyes on the Water”. You could be a “first responder” in locating an aquatic invasive species (AIS) on the lake. This early detection has proven to be an effective way of stemming the subsequent spread of AIS to other lakes. Early detection can also allow for more effective treatment options in our lake. Zebra Mussel samplers are available currently through Hubbard COLA; email [email protected].
Little Sand Lake Area Association is also a member of the Hubbard County Coalition of Lake Associations (HC COLA). We have a representative who has voting rights at the HC COLA meetings and an alternate who attends in the absence of the representative. The HC COLA representative from each lake shall:
1. Communicate with their lake association president on all HC COLA issues.
2. Have official voting rights for their lake association.
3. Ensure an alternate attends the HC COLA meeting if they are not available.
4. Be a member of a committee.
5. Attend at least one government meeting per year, if possible.
6. Keep HC COLA informed on any issues on their lake.
7. Act as the compliance coordinator for any lake issues.
8. Provide education information to their lake association.
9. Present HC COLA information at their annual lake association meeting.
10. Provide information about their lake to the HC COLA website coordinator.
11. Provide articles about their lake (when appropriate) for the HC COLA newsletter.
12. Act as the coordinator for Restore-the-Shore on their lake.
13. Ensure their lake’s water monitor knows the date/time for the annual water monitor training and pickup.