Lake Association Membership Dues for LSLAA are important to the health of our lake, now and into the future. The dues are $35 per property through 2023. Members approved an increase to $50 per membership to support an additional contribution of $15 to our AIS fund. The increase will be effective for 2024 dues, payable January 1, 2024. This will help support keeping our lake clean for generations to come!
We also ask our members to consider an additional donation to continue to build our reserve fund in the event the lake becomes infested with any aquatic invasive species in the future. We are partnering with the Northwest Minnesota Foundation to manage these funds on behalf of the association. The additional dues paid support lake monitoring, testing and AIS inspections. Watch your email for more information on the foundation account and giving information.
Please see the Annual Dues tab for more information and links to pay your dues. Thank you very much – you membership and financial support are so important to the future of our lake.