Dues & Donations

The Little Sand Lake Area Association has been steadily increasing membership over the years and hope to have 100% of our lake property owners re-join and/or become a first time member. The annual dues are $50.

  • The membership year is the calendar year, January through December.
  • The association budget supports AIS launch inspections for watercraft at the public access and lake monitoring/water testing to ensure we continue to have a healthy and safe lake for all.
  • We also support the Hubbard County Coalition of Lakes (HC COLA) and our annual fishing contest.
  • We have minimal administrative expense because our leadership is all volunteer.
  • Our social events are self-paid by participants with only a nominal amount spent on the annual picnic.

We ask all of our members and all new members to pay their dues early in the year to help with budgeting. Dues paid are for the calendar year.  All members paid by the annual meeting will be able to cast a vote for the election of officers and other voting matters.

Please use your credit or debit card to pay your annual dues.  This saves a tremendous amount of work for our treasurer. To pay dues by credit or debit card, please use this link: LSLAA Annual Dues On-line. We ask members to pay the fee charged by our processor as a Minnesota non-profit organization. To pay by check or for billing inquiries contact [email protected]

A few details:
1. Dues are $50 per property address. We also ask members to consider donating any amount above and beyond the $50 to contribute towards lake monitoring and a reserve in the event our lake has any infestation issues in the future. LSLAA is a 501(c)3 charitable organization making your contributions and all donations tax deductible.

2. Memorial Donations are available for your loved one. We place a name plate in honor of your loved one at the kiosk at the boat launch. We recommend a minimum donation of $50 for a memorial, but a donation of less will not preclude our remembering someone special.

3. We use Stripe as our credit card service which offers industry standard encryption. Please note: LSLAA will not have access to or store your credit card and related information. As part of the collection process, you will be able to indicate whether you are paying your dues, making an extra donation, or making a memorial donation. Credit card companies charge a fee of 3% and that will apply to your total credit card payment to LSLAA. As a non-profit, we appreciate our members covering this fee.

Your membership is appreciated and valued. Your donations help ensure a strong Little Sand Lake Area Association for years to come! Thank you very much.